Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just another adapter III: LCD adapter - Final

Back from holls, and the components I neded to finish up this project was waiting for me in the mail. However, on closer inspection I found an airwire in the PCB! I could fix this with some trickery, but I decided not to, as it only affects back-light controll (you can see the missing trim-pot).

Some quick soldering of the contrast trim-pot and the missing 8x2 header, and the build was ready for some in-circuit testing. And the build was a success! Even in relativly simple builds like this, you really don't know before you turn it on.

Because of the air-wire, I won't post the schema and design unless requested.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just another adapter II

So, the PCB is now drilled and partially populated. The two 10-Pin headers for the STK500 are soldered on, as well as the single row (1x16) LCD connector and a LED. I keep the photo-resist until the very last moment, only then do I remove it on the spots I want to solder, using q-tip dipped in acetone. This way, the photo-resist protects the copper and keeping it from oxidising.

I ran out of single row (or double for that matter) female headers and I didn't have the right trim-pot either, so I will have to wait until after the holls to finish this one. Part are on order.Well, at least the LED power-indicator works.

Parts-list, schematics, and PCB to come when the build is done.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Just another adapter

I seem to be making allot of different adapters lately. This is the freshly made PCB/PWB for a LCD adapter for the STK500. More info to come later, that, and I'm trying out blogging from my Android phone :-D

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STK500 10-Pin I/O-Adapter

The STK500 development kit is excellent, and those 10-pin headers are great for making standard expansion boards for the headers. But sometimes all I need is quick access to a pin, for connecting the kit to a bread-board or similar. Nothing ready-made seemed to be available, so I made a quick-and-dirty adapter. Taking the standard 10-pin header and breaking them out into a single 1x10 standard 2.54mm row, adding only a LED for power indication.

PCB available for download soon...